I just got home from what is my last day at FIS at least until Feb. 2010. I'm surprisingly very very depressed about it. I mean, my job wasn't the greatest but I liked it. It was my own little slice of the world and I could control my place in it (to an extent). I've known this day was coming for a long time now...heck I've been counting down for months now, why on earth am I so sad?

I really am going to miss my friends there. I think that is the other part that I am sad about. They were great friends but it is hard to keep in contact when you leave - especially when they are mostly guys. It's harder that way.

I usually don't use this blog to rant about how I'm feeling at the moment...but it's on my mind so I'm laying it out there. I'm sure this will get easier.

7 days.

Wives Tales - #7 (Hand Test)

The Hand Test goes something like this. Someone asks you to hold out your hands, if you palm was facing the floor then it is a boy because he is giving out the money, if it was facing the ceiling then it is a girl because she is receiving the money. I did this one a long time ago when I first found out I was pregnant and I was palms up! :)


Yes! Batman CAN fly!

Jackson got into his first verbal altercation yesterday at preschool.

Here is a little background. At Six Flags on Sunday he found a Batman cape and just had to have it. He's worn it consistently since we walked out of the store. The only time it comes off of him is when he is taking a bath...and that took some serious convincing. He'll only respond to Batman (since he is no longer Jackson) and I think it's just about the cutest thing in the world. So you can see why when two 'big boys' (all of 4 years old) told him that Batman couldn't fly he was beside himself. He had to involve Mrs. Salonish to set the story straight, but even when I picked him up that afternoon he was still offended by the suggestion that Batman was less than amazing.

LOVE these days!