You mean I spent 2 years of my life without a Happy Meal?

Although I am in no way a fan of Mickey D's these days, there was a time in my life where a trip to see Ronnie was the biggest treat one could ask for. I can't remember a time without the Fry Guys or Grimace or even the Hamburgular. I still have fond memories of my birthday parties there and would never want to deprive Jack of the joy of anticipating what prize lies in that beautiful cardboard box. (Did you know that SOME people save the $.59 and DON'T get their kids the Happy Meal? That's just UNAMERICAN!) That is why I was so incredibly surprised to find out that this was only the 30th anniversary of the Happy Meal. You mean, I spent 2 years of my life WITHOUT a Happy Meal? The horror!! What on earth did we eat? What was my special treat? How different would my life have been? I guess we'll never know.


Anonymous said...

To each their own, but my children will /never/ see the inside of a McDonald's. And pain to whatever parent dares introduce my child to such horridness! =)

JenDowns said...

Yes, we all have great high morals until we have that little guy in the backseat that begs & pleads for just one little hamburger. Sometimes you just have to give in.

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