Wives Tales - #2 (Draino Test)

Did the Draino test this morning. There was no darkening or color change after 10 - 15 seconds - It is a girl!!

Ok, so more about the test. I consider myself a pretty intelligent person. I mean, I'm no Einstein, but I can surely pee in a cup of Draino without too much difficulty, right? I guess not. I didn't want to use one of our glasses since I'd have to throw it away after the test so I just grabbed a plastic throw away cup that we had. Well, I did the test then proceeded to hold on to the cup while it fizzled. It got SCORCHING hot and then proceeded to melt...right in my hand. I ran to the sink and tended to my nearly blistered finger. When Jereme got up I told him what I did and he was like, 'uh yeah...it's plastic'. Can I blame that on the baby too??

Did a redo today and it was fine. Glass cup is now in the garbage and the test is complete! :)


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