Wives Tales - Myth Busters Exclusive

Since we don't know the gender of this little turkey roasting in my oven, I'm going to start a series of 'experiments' in order to test out these lovely little wives tales that everyone keeps telling me about. I'll start the round of tests on Monday and plan to do one every day until I run out.

These are the ones I've accumulated so far...if you know of any others send them on. If possible I'll do them all.

  • Draino Test - http://www.babygenderprediction.com/drano-gender-prediction.html
    Wedding Ring Test - http://www.babygenderprediction.com/needle-gender-prediction.html
    Carrying - If you carry the baby straight out in front of you--not wide, it's a girl.If you carry the baby more wide on each side and not so far out in front, it's a boy. Can't tell until later in pregnancy with this one
    Couch Test - Have a friend put a fork under one of the cushions of the couch (Crystal's preferably) and if you sit on the fork it's a Boy...if not, it's a girl.
    Hand Test - Okay, if you palm was facing the floor then it is a boy because he is giving out the money, if it was facing the ceiling then it is a girl because she is receiving the money.
    Morning Sickness - Supposedly if you have alot of morning sickness it's a girl and if you don't it's a boy.
    Weight Gain - If your husband puts on weight during your pregnancy, then you will be having a girl. If he doesn't put on a pound, then you're carrying a boy.
    Heartbeats - If you're having a girl, then the fetal heart rate will be above 140. A boy will have a heart rate below 140.
    Chinese Birth Chart


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