I just got home from what is my last day at FIS at least until Feb. 2010. I'm surprisingly very very depressed about it. I mean, my job wasn't the greatest but I liked it. It was my own little slice of the world and I could control my place in it (to an extent). I've known this day was coming for a long time now...heck I've been counting down for months now, why on earth am I so sad?
I really am going to miss my friends there. I think that is the other part that I am sad about. They were great friends but it is hard to keep in contact when you leave - especially when they are mostly guys. It's harder that way.
I usually don't use this blog to rant about how I'm feeling at the moment...but it's on my mind so I'm laying it out there. I'm sure this will get easier.
7 days.
Wives Tales - #7 (Hand Test)
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on Thursday, November 5, 2009
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The Hand Test goes something like this. Someone asks you to hold out your hands, if you palm was facing the floor then it is a boy because he is giving out the money, if it was facing the ceiling then it is a girl because she is receiving the money. I did this one a long time ago when I first found out I was pregnant and I was palms up! :)
Yes! Batman CAN fly!
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on Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Comments: (1)
Jackson got into his first verbal altercation yesterday at preschool.
Here is a little background. At Six Flags on Sunday he found a Batman cape and just had to have it. He's worn it consistently since we walked out of the store. The only time it comes off of him is when he is taking a bath...and that took some serious convincing. He'll only respond to Batman (since he is no longer Jackson) and I think it's just about the cutest thing in the world. So you can see why when two 'big boys' (all of 4 years old) told him that Batman couldn't fly he was beside himself. He had to involve Mrs. Salonish to set the story straight, but even when I picked him up that afternoon he was still offended by the suggestion that Batman was less than amazing.
LOVE these days!
Here is a little background. At Six Flags on Sunday he found a Batman cape and just had to have it. He's worn it consistently since we walked out of the store. The only time it comes off of him is when he is taking a bath...and that took some serious convincing. He'll only respond to Batman (since he is no longer Jackson) and I think it's just about the cutest thing in the world. So you can see why when two 'big boys' (all of 4 years old) told him that Batman couldn't fly he was beside himself. He had to involve Mrs. Salonish to set the story straight, but even when I picked him up that afternoon he was still offended by the suggestion that Batman was less than amazing.
LOVE these days!
Wives Tales - #6 (Weight Gain)
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on Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Comments: (1)
GRRRR!! Well you can all blame my husband and his stellar metabolism for this one!!!
The tale goes something like this, if your husband puts on weight during your pregnancy, then you will be having a girl. If he doesn't put on a pound, then you're carrying a boy.
I had Jereme weigh himself this weekend and of course, not one little pound. Well, actually he said it was up like 1 lb, but he had on his clothes so basically it was a wash. He said he's been the same weight since he was 18 so what was I to expect? :( Where the pregnancy weight gain support? I thought guys were SUPPOSED to gain when the momma gained.
The tale goes something like this, if your husband puts on weight during your pregnancy, then you will be having a girl. If he doesn't put on a pound, then you're carrying a boy.
I had Jereme weigh himself this weekend and of course, not one little pound. Well, actually he said it was up like 1 lb, but he had on his clothes so basically it was a wash. He said he's been the same weight since he was 18 so what was I to expect? :( Where the pregnancy weight gain support? I thought guys were SUPPOSED to gain when the momma gained.
Wives Tales - #5 (Heartbeats)
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on Friday, October 23, 2009
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Ok. So the heartbeats wives tale goes something like this...if you're having a girl, then the fetal heart rate will be above 140. A boy will have a heart rate below 140.
So far the heartbeats have been:
178 - +
156- +
150- +
150- +
142- +
136 - -
147- +
148- +
153- +
160- +
AVG: 152
Seems pretty high to me and has lots of plusses..but then I look at Jackson's:
156- +
156- +
160- +
156- +
144- +
156- +
133- -
147- +
153- +
144- +
133- -
AVG: 148.9
This little turkey is averaging at 152, Jackson averaged at 148.9. Not a big enough difference to matter...right?
So the wives tale would indicate GIRL, however history indicates BOY.
So far the heartbeats have been:
178 - +
156- +
150- +
150- +
142- +
136 - -
147- +
148- +
153- +
160- +
AVG: 152
Seems pretty high to me and has lots of plusses..but then I look at Jackson's:
156- +
156- +
160- +
156- +
144- +
156- +
133- -
147- +
153- +
144- +
133- -
AVG: 148.9
This little turkey is averaging at 152, Jackson averaged at 148.9. Not a big enough difference to matter...right?
So the wives tale would indicate GIRL, however history indicates BOY.
Wives Tales - #4 (Couch Test)
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on Tuesday, October 20, 2009
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Well, we did the good old Couch Test for Jack and it was right so as SOON as I found out that I was pregnant we did it for this little Turkey too. At Ladies Night Out at Crystal's house (the traditional couch that we do this for) it said we were having a girl! It's actually a pretty easy test because she only has two cushions so it's really 50/50...but isn't the gender a 50/50 as well? So maybe, just maybe it all works out in the end?
Wives Tales - #3 (Carrying)
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on Monday, October 19, 2009
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The test goes, if you carry the baby straight out in front of you--not wide, it's a girl. If you carry the baby more wide on each side and not so far out in front, it's a boy. Can't tell until later in pregnancy with this one
Ok, so this one is a little subjective. I mean, I’m definitely not as wide as I was with Jackson, however I also have been a lot more careful with my diet this go round as well. So which one is to blame? The gender or my not eating a pack of powdered sugar donuts & a large orange juice every morning?
But for the sake of ‘science’, I’ll go with the facts and say ‘GIRL’.
The test goes, if you carry the baby straight out in front of you--not wide, it's a girl. If you carry the baby more wide on each side and not so far out in front, it's a boy. Can't tell until later in pregnancy with this one
Ok, so this one is a little subjective. I mean, I’m definitely not as wide as I was with Jackson, however I also have been a lot more careful with my diet this go round as well. So which one is to blame? The gender or my not eating a pack of powdered sugar donuts & a large orange juice every morning?
But for the sake of ‘science’, I’ll go with the facts and say ‘GIRL’.
Wives Tales - #2 (Draino Test)
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on Tuesday, October 13, 2009
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Did the Draino test this morning. There was no darkening or color change after 10 - 15 seconds - It is a girl!!
Ok, so more about the test. I consider myself a pretty intelligent person. I mean, I'm no Einstein, but I can surely pee in a cup of Draino without too much difficulty, right? I guess not. I didn't want to use one of our glasses since I'd have to throw it away after the test so I just grabbed a plastic throw away cup that we had. Well, I did the test then proceeded to hold on to the cup while it fizzled. It got SCORCHING hot and then proceeded to melt...right in my hand. I ran to the sink and tended to my nearly blistered finger. When Jereme got up I told him what I did and he was like, 'uh yeah...it's plastic'. Can I blame that on the baby too??
Did a redo today and it was fine. Glass cup is now in the garbage and the test is complete! :)
Ok, so more about the test. I consider myself a pretty intelligent person. I mean, I'm no Einstein, but I can surely pee in a cup of Draino without too much difficulty, right? I guess not. I didn't want to use one of our glasses since I'd have to throw it away after the test so I just grabbed a plastic throw away cup that we had. Well, I did the test then proceeded to hold on to the cup while it fizzled. It got SCORCHING hot and then proceeded to melt...right in my hand. I ran to the sink and tended to my nearly blistered finger. When Jereme got up I told him what I did and he was like, 'uh yeah...it's plastic'. Can I blame that on the baby too??
Did a redo today and it was fine. Glass cup is now in the garbage and the test is complete! :)
Wives Tales - #1 (Chinese Calendar)
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on Monday, October 12, 2009
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So, I took a gander at the Chinese Calendar and according to the fact of the world wide web...we'll be having a GIRL.
This is pretty 'iffy' though since there are 14-gagillion calendars out there & it's hard to nail down the 'real' one.
This is pretty 'iffy' though since there are 14-gagillion calendars out there & it's hard to nail down the 'real' one.
Halloween Pictures
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on Friday, October 9, 2009
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We had Jack's Halloween pictures made the other day. He's the cutest Dino/Dragon EVER!
Wives Tales - Myth Busters Exclusive
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Since we don't know the gender of this little turkey roasting in my oven, I'm going to start a series of 'experiments' in order to test out these lovely little wives tales that everyone keeps telling me about. I'll start the round of tests on Monday and plan to do one every day until I run out.
These are the ones I've accumulated so far...if you know of any others send them on. If possible I'll do them all.
These are the ones I've accumulated so far...if you know of any others send them on. If possible I'll do them all.
- Draino Test - http://www.babygenderprediction.com/drano-gender-prediction.html
Wedding Ring Test - http://www.babygenderprediction.com/needle-gender-prediction.html
Carrying - If you carry the baby straight out in front of you--not wide, it's a girl.If you carry the baby more wide on each side and not so far out in front, it's a boy. Can't tell until later in pregnancy with this one
Couch Test - Have a friend put a fork under one of the cushions of the couch (Crystal's preferably) and if you sit on the fork it's a Boy...if not, it's a girl.
Hand Test - Okay, if you palm was facing the floor then it is a boy because he is giving out the money, if it was facing the ceiling then it is a girl because she is receiving the money.
Morning Sickness - Supposedly if you have alot of morning sickness it's a girl and if you don't it's a boy.
Weight Gain - If your husband puts on weight during your pregnancy, then you will be having a girl. If he doesn't put on a pound, then you're carrying a boy.
Heartbeats - If you're having a girl, then the fetal heart rate will be above 140. A boy will have a heart rate below 140.
Chinese Birth Chart
Official Delivery Date
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on Thursday, October 8, 2009
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I just got the call! Our newest little Turkey will be arriving on 11/20! My c-section is scheduled for noon so I should have that little one in my arms by 1 pm...I can't believe it. Just 42 days and counting...
Getting closer to God...
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As we took off on Jackson's very first airplane ride I was trying to describe what was happening since it was kind of hard to see at 5:30 am. He was thrilled when we went through the clouds and when I asked him about it he said he was so excited because now we were closer to God. I have to admit that it made me tear up just a bit.
Our child of technology...
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I took Jack to the bathroom at a restaurant the other day and found him frantically waving his hands in front of a towel dispenser - you know the 'old fashioned' kind that you actually have to turn. He was getting pretty frustrated before I figured out what he was trying to do. He was convinced that it was broken and needed more batteries before I showed him the handy dandy turn knob on the side. He was amazed that it didn't automatically spit a towel out for him. What will become of these children of technology??
What every Woman should know...
Posted by
on Tuesday, August 25, 2009
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I found this today while surfing around and felt that it was important enough to share...
A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE ...enough money within her control to move out and rent a place of her own, even if she never wants to or needs to
A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE...something perfect to wear if the employer,or date of her dreams wants to see her in an hour
A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE...a youth she's content to leave behind...a past juicy enough that she's looking forward to re-telling it in her old age
A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE...a set of screwdrivers, a cordless drill, and a black lace bra
A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE...one friend who always makes her laugh and one who lets her cry
A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE...a good piece of furniture not previously owned by anyone else in her family
A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE...eight matching plates, wine glasses with stems, and a recipe for a meal.that will make her guests feel honored
A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE...a feeling of control over her destiny
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW...how to quit a job, break up with a lover, and confront a friend without;ruining the friendship
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW...that she can't change the length of her calves, the width of her hips, or the nature of her parents
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW...that her childhood may not have been perfect... but it's over
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW...what she would or wouldn't do for love or more
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW...how to live alone... even if she doesn't like it
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW...whom she can trust, whom she can't, and why she shouldn't take it personally
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW...where to go...be it to her best friend's kitchen table...or a charming Inn in the woods...when her soul needs soothing
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW...why she can and can't accomplish in a day...a month... or a year
Maya Angelo
A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE ...enough money within her control to move out and rent a place of her own, even if she never wants to or needs to
A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE...something perfect to wear if the employer,or date of her dreams wants to see her in an hour
A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE...a youth she's content to leave behind...a past juicy enough that she's looking forward to re-telling it in her old age
A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE...a set of screwdrivers, a cordless drill, and a black lace bra
A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE...one friend who always makes her laugh and one who lets her cry
A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE...a good piece of furniture not previously owned by anyone else in her family
A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE...eight matching plates, wine glasses with stems, and a recipe for a meal.that will make her guests feel honored
A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE...a feeling of control over her destiny
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW...how to quit a job, break up with a lover, and confront a friend without;ruining the friendship
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW...that she can't change the length of her calves, the width of her hips, or the nature of her parents
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW...that her childhood may not have been perfect... but it's over
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW...what she would or wouldn't do for love or more
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW...how to live alone... even if she doesn't like it
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW...whom she can trust, whom she can't, and why she shouldn't take it personally
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW...where to go...be it to her best friend's kitchen table...or a charming Inn in the woods...when her soul needs soothing
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW...why she can and can't accomplish in a day...a month... or a year
Maya Angelo
What's a Mom to do??
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on Thursday, August 20, 2009
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So, Jack woke up early on Sunday morning and wanted to crawl into bed with J and I. This particular morning J was the one he wanted to snuggle with, leaving me with the hind-end (or foot-end) of the deal. After about 10 minutes of being kicked in the ribs, the little butterball in my tummy decided to fight back! It was a little painful, but totally cute. Their first fight! :)
Bell Pepper Harvest
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on Thursday, August 6, 2009
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Jack and I embarked on a little project last Spring and are now reaping the benefits of our 'labor'. We planted a little garden with some herbs & bell peppers. It's been a fun experiment for us and now that that the garden is really starting to produce he wants to go out every day & check on it. I love getting to share the world with my little man.
Jen at 20 weeks
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Man, am I getting old or what?
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on Thursday, July 23, 2009
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I don't know if I can bear to say it. I, Jennifer Downs, being of sound mind and swelling body am now a newspaper reader. I'm not talking the Observer here, I'm talking the real 'grown up' paper. What has happened to me?
Ok, so I've always been an avid fan of NPR and relied on it to get a lot of my news information. Granted its not 100% complete but I get what I need and can research if I need more. Well, recently while J and I were going through the weekly ads I started venturing off into the Metro section...then got pulled into the Business section and before I knew it I was reading the front page and searching through the entire paper to find the rest of the story.
Oh goodness. My PARENTS read the newspaper. Before I know it I'm going to be drinking coffee like a full fledged adult. What has happened to me?
Ok, so I've always been an avid fan of NPR and relied on it to get a lot of my news information. Granted its not 100% complete but I get what I need and can research if I need more. Well, recently while J and I were going through the weekly ads I started venturing off into the Metro section...then got pulled into the Business section and before I knew it I was reading the front page and searching through the entire paper to find the rest of the story.
Oh goodness. My PARENTS read the newspaper. Before I know it I'm going to be drinking coffee like a full fledged adult. What has happened to me?
New Shutterfly site
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on Monday, July 20, 2009
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Hello family & friends.
Life has been wonderful and exciting, but super duper busy. In an effort to preserve my sanity I've decided to streamline. Instead of keeping up GetDowns.com, you'll be able to come to our shutterfly share site (http://downspartyof4.shutterfly.com/) find our family pictures . The Shutterly site will be updated monthly, the blog will be updated more frequently.
If you want to get updates whenever I post pictures (usually monthly) just let me know & I'll make sure you get the emails! (if you were already signed up for 'getdowns.com' updates then I've added you already)
Life has been wonderful and exciting, but super duper busy. In an effort to preserve my sanity I've decided to streamline. Instead of keeping up GetDowns.com, you'll be able to come to our shutterfly share site (http://downspartyof4.shutterfly.com/) find our family pictures . The Shutterly site will be updated monthly, the blog will be updated more frequently.
If you want to get updates whenever I post pictures (usually monthly) just let me know & I'll make sure you get the emails! (if you were already signed up for 'getdowns.com' updates then I've added you already)
It happened.
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I knew it would. Everyone told me it would. So, here it goes, my first experience with the inappropriate comments of my child in public.
Walking into the NTTA store the other day, we passed a man with an unusually large beer belly. With all the baby talk that is going on at my house these days of course Jackson noticed the man. He stopped right in the middle of the walkway and asked the man why he was having a baby too. Only greels can have babies. My face was as red as my shirt and I quickly gathered Jack up with a nervous little laugh. I don't know if the man didn't hear (I hope that is the case), but he kept walking thank goodness. I couldn't think of a quick or clever response so it was probably best that way.
Walking into the NTTA store the other day, we passed a man with an unusually large beer belly. With all the baby talk that is going on at my house these days of course Jackson noticed the man. He stopped right in the middle of the walkway and asked the man why he was having a baby too. Only greels can have babies. My face was as red as my shirt and I quickly gathered Jack up with a nervous little laugh. I don't know if the man didn't hear (I hope that is the case), but he kept walking thank goodness. I couldn't think of a quick or clever response so it was probably best that way.
You mean I spent 2 years of my life without a Happy Meal?
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Although I am in no way a fan of Mickey D's these days, there was a time in my life where a trip to see Ronnie was the biggest treat one could ask for. I can't remember a time without the Fry Guys or Grimace or even the Hamburgular. I still have fond memories of my birthday parties there and would never want to deprive Jack of the joy of anticipating what prize lies in that beautiful cardboard box. (Did you know that SOME people save the $.59 and DON'T get their kids the Happy Meal? That's just UNAMERICAN!) That is why I was so incredibly surprised to find out that this was only the 30th anniversary of the Happy Meal. You mean, I spent 2 years of my life WITHOUT a Happy Meal? The horror!! What on earth did we eat? What was my special treat? How different would my life have been? I guess we'll never know.
Another little soccer player
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on Friday, July 10, 2009
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Our second little one has started to let us know that he/she is in there! I love each and every little kick because it just reminds me even more that soon our family will grow even larger. I LOVE LOVE LOVE being pregnant and this is just one more thing that makes it better.
Independence Day 2009
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We got the opportunity to spend another Fourth of July with our good friends Joel and Paula Furnace. They are wonderful hosts and really treated us well (spoiled us) over the weekend. Life has been more than crazy here lately and the opportunity to just sit back and relax with good friends was long overdue. Jack loved the Independence Day parade (1.5 hours long) and quickly learned that if he wore his cute top hat, waived his flags and said ‘Happy Fourth of July’ people would gladly fill his bag with candy. After that we headed over to the festival in search for Jereme’s long awaited roasted corn on the cob and then headed back to the house for nap time. After ‘nap’ (or lack thereof) we headed to the lake where Jack got to ride his first jet ski. The boy’s lack of fear as he gave his Daddy ride after ride at full throttle speed scares me a little bit. Grilling up steaks led to a night sky filled with fireworks and then 4 exhausted adults and 1 tuckered little firecracker crawled into bed for a good nights sleep.
Sweetie Hearts
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Oh, in case you were wondering, you no longer have to have flowers to be cute. Sweetie-hearts are apparently the new ‘in’ thing with 3 year old males.
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Oh boy, I think I have a little Casanova on my hands!
So, Jack and I were at the pool today and just playing along when in walks a group of pre-teen girls in tenny tiny bikinis and super long legs (so long they even caught my attention). Well, my little boy stops playing with his pool toys and stops and stares and the group. I mean, REALLY stares (think Lenny from Laverne and Shirley). He watches them walk the full length of the pool, while I try to hide my giggles. When he’s done I asked him what he was looking at and he said ‘Momma, those greels (aka, girls) are cute’. I of course asked him what made them cute and he said that they had flowers on their swim suits. Then he proceeds to pick out another girl (unrelated to the group, but equally cute) and says ‘look at her mommy, she’s cute too’. I didn’t look but said, ‘yes, yes she is cute’, so he grabbed my face and turned my head so I could get a really good look at the cute greel. He has been spending way too much time with his Daddy!!
So, Jack and I were at the pool today and just playing along when in walks a group of pre-teen girls in tenny tiny bikinis and super long legs (so long they even caught my attention). Well, my little boy stops playing with his pool toys and stops and stares and the group. I mean, REALLY stares (think Lenny from Laverne and Shirley). He watches them walk the full length of the pool, while I try to hide my giggles. When he’s done I asked him what he was looking at and he said ‘Momma, those greels (aka, girls) are cute’. I of course asked him what made them cute and he said that they had flowers on their swim suits. Then he proceeds to pick out another girl (unrelated to the group, but equally cute) and says ‘look at her mommy, she’s cute too’. I didn’t look but said, ‘yes, yes she is cute’, so he grabbed my face and turned my head so I could get a really good look at the cute greel. He has been spending way too much time with his Daddy!!
My first post
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on Tuesday, June 23, 2009
First Post
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I'm not sure if I'll be able to keep up with this, but I thought I'd give it a whirl. We have so many wonderful things going on in our lives right now that I really want to be able to share with everyone and this seems like a great place to do it.
Cross your fingers & wish me luck! We'll see how I do!!
Cross your fingers & wish me luck! We'll see how I do!!